Indie Edit - BEAU Polish

*This is a paid feature


Meet Siána, founder of the vegan friendly nail polish brand, BEAU Polish.

She hopes to take the nail industry by storm as she sets out to create a collection of vibrant designs to empower marginalised communities.

“I'm Siána, a product designer by day and a nail polish manufacturer by night. I have worked in the licensing industry my whole career and with this, I fell in love with many forms of artistic creation. When I had a corporate job that required me to dress formally, the one way I could really express myself was through my nails and nail art. From here I developed a passion for nail design and decided to take this a step further.”

BEAU Polish has a vegan friendly and cruelty free formulation.”

“The bottle and ingredients are all sourced in the UK, ensuring we lower our carbon footprint from 2021. All my products are manufactured in my home on the outskirts of London.”

“My dream wouldn’t have become a reality were it not for the huge amount of support I receive from my family and friends, from packing large orders to the moral support, and not to mention my wonderful customers.”

“My journey began when I qualified as a level 2 Nail Technician in 2017 – a decision that felt like a natural progression given my long established love for nail polish and art.”

BEAU Polish was born out of a passion for vibrant nail polish colours and a desire to make some incredible designs that you don’t typically see on the high street.”

“From street signs to branding, colour engulfs the world in which we live, and I believe the colours that we choose to wear say a lot about us as individuals.” 

“As the founder of BEAU Polish, my mission is to make you feel as beautiful as possible by offering you a product in which you can express yourself freely.”

“I believe that nail polish has no gender, no race, no class – it has no societal bias and is therefore a blank canvas for you to use at will without judgement.”

BESI - Brightness, equality, sassiness and integrity form the cornerstones of the brand.

BEAU is bright and bold and this is reflected in the collections. We all deserve to be seen, to express ourselves and to tell the world that we are not going to hide. We are unique and beautiful.”

BEAU is built on equality. Wear without judgement in whatever way you identify with.”

BEAU will forever represent sassiness, empowering you so that you wake each morning to declare to the world who you are.”

BEAU is built on love and integrity, with gifting at its forefront so you can extend the love to others.”

“With each of these four brand values, I hope to empower and support you in your journey of self love and general bad-arseary! I will be expanding the BEAU portfolio to include more vibrant products that compliment nail polish but also add to the fun of bath time. While we support the Switchboard LGBT+ charity, we will not stop there in our mission to give back to marginalised communities.”

“It is in my heart, and therefore in the heart of my brand, to create a safe space for everyone to express themselves freely.”

“My advice to creators who want to start their own business is creating something from scratch that people want is such a beautiful experience, and well worth the initial struggle that each startup goes through. Don’t expect your product to be perfect at the beginning – over time you’ll get better at your craft. Don’t wait for perfection to launch your brand! Get going and adapt as you move forward. Creating a product isn’t about perfection, it’s about joy. Avoid comparing yourself to other makers – it’s the quickest way to lose sight of your goals and achievements. Besides, are you even trying if you don't make mistakes along the way? No one is perfect, and no one can do you better than you!”

Want to learn more about BEAU Polish? Find their products in the Indie Maker’s Shopping Guide, head over to their website to shop their full range and follow them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for their latest updates.