Celebrating International Women's Day with Klaudia Bodach from BLSSMGOODS

Happy International Women's Day! Today we are celebrating women, diversity and body positivity with one of our amazing traders, Klaudia from BLSSMGOODS and her beautiful body sculptures.

Klaudia, What is the story and the meaning behind your art?

'Our story began when I was just starting out with sculptures and one of the pieces came out imperfect, with cuts looking like lines through the body. Thinking of the kintsugi method, I painted it gold and posted results on TikTok. People have absolutely loved it and said it looked like stretch marks! I loved the idea and began creating more and more goddesses with different marks such as c-section, sh, ostomy bags or customised ones, such as scar after heart or spine surgery. I get a lot of messages and requests for custom pieces and I absolutely adore doing those. Knowing I brought a smile to someones face by their body being represented in art makes me happy'.

What does your creative process look like?

'I get inspired by other bodies and sexually positive art. I love shibari artwork and I wanted to include that in our sculptures. I also often work with customer's pictures to personalise figurines for them as much as possible in hope to bring more body positivity into world'.

What tips would you have for any other artists or makers looking to start selling their work?

'Believe in yourself and your art. I didn’t but I have the most supportive partner that did that for me! :) I still can’t believe that I do this for living! But on the practical side of things, I found that Etsy workis very well for us and markets of course! I think meeting & talking to people is the best way to promote your art!'

You can find Klaudia's beautiful sculptures in our shop until the end of April.