SoLo Craft Fair: Meet the Trader - Grimm 188

We get to chat to Laura Kate of Grimm 188, a company that sells bright handwoven accessories. Laura tells us how a change in work circumstances encouraged her to follow her aspirations of starting her own crafting business.

Tell us a little about what you do.

I am a fibre and textile crafter. I learned to sew as a child, began knitting as a student, and took up weaving a few years ago. Currently, my work focuses on handwoven scarves/wraps and stitched accessories. As I'm also a student of hand lettering, I'm planning to add some lovely scripted items to my offerings for the holidays. 

What inspired you to start your business?

My degrees are in Education and I am a teacher by trade and taught reception for some years here in London. As an American, when the rules on foreign teachers changed, I chose to explore my love of handmade rather than going back to get yet another degree. I miss the classroom, but also love working with textiles and colours!

How long have you been running your creative business?

About 2 years.

The name, Grimm 188 is unusual!  How did you chose it? 

The name of my business comes from the academic numbering of the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale "The Spindle, The Shuttle, & The Needle" - it's not my favourite story message-wise, but it's absolutely what my business is about: sewing, weaving, and yarn.

Do you think your brand represents you as a person?

My designs tend to be bright, colourful, and a bit different.  They're probably a bit what I aspire to be... but I own a lot of black! 

What advice would you give to someone trying to start their own start up?

Make a plan. Do the work.  Treat it like a business. Success does not happen overnight and requires a lot of paddling under the calm water!

Which small creative company do you admire and why?

A few folks definitely fit in this box for me: I've loved watching my crafty online friend Rachel of Rachel Emma Studio blossom from crafty blogger to gold foil boss; Kristin of Hey Paul Studios/Eat, Drink, Stitch is inspirational for having faith to go at her handmade business full time and wildly succeeding; and Mollie of Wild Olive grows from strength to strength and I'm never surprised when I see her little smiling faces appear in another magazine or website - it's a testament to her hard work.

Please tell us how someone can find your company online 

My website & portfolio , Etsy shop and on social media as @grimm188

Grimm 188 will be selling her handmade goods at SoLo Craft fair's Christmas Market at Balham Bowls Club, 11th December